Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This Is How We Do It!

     I have called 911 twice in my life. The first time, a house 2 doors down from mine had 30 ft flames jutting from the back of it. The second time, happened today. We rose after 3 hours of sleep. We painted into the wee hours of the night, we hung curtains, we got the house done. On a side note, while painting I was in my favorite bathroom, and I finally had access to a real ladder. I got up above the door frame, to see that someone had WIPED BOOGERS on the top of the door frame. I wished it had been me.
     I had just made Chad breakfast, like the perfect housewife that I am, and got a couple of messages on FB from our fantastic neighbors and friends. Her car is in the shop, so there were no cars in her drive. Brian can see our driveway and the neighbors drives around us, as he lives less than 100 meters away from us. He knew we were not there. He let himself into our house today, without permission. Our belongings were still in the house. He proceeded to have workman trample thru the house that we just had professionally cleaned. He was not at the house when we arrived and we were on our way to walk to his house when he drove back down our street. We met back inside the house. He wanted to speak to us upstairs away from the workmen. I wanted to workmen to hear. There we all stood on the landing. Me, two steps below Brian and Chad on a  step below Brian. He was trying to create superiority within our dwelling. We told him we had not authorized this, and it was illegal to be in our house without our permission. He wasn't satisfied with our painting, and was going to try to make life harder on us by making us apply a 5th coat. I confronted him. I stood there on the landing, shaking with anger and fear. I told him he was trespassing, and that he hadn't told us people were coming into our house. It is still our house until the 10th of August. He started SCREAMING at me. Chad, doesn't take kindly to people yelling at me for discussing a legitimate concern. He stood face to face with Brian and told him not to talk to his wife like that. Brian finished out this first portion of the conversation by saying, "It is terrible what you have turned into since you've become pregnant."
       The conversation begins to escalate, Brian says a few more things and it heats up. Brian put his hands in Chad's face and I decided it was time to suggest calling the police. It continued to escalate, and he wouldn't leave our house. It was time. I called, and before I had to call the local police department he fled from the house, and peeled out of the driveway on two wheels.

       The end of this story isn't that great. It ends with us getting out of that house at 1 in the afternoon after paying 80 GBP and calling housing to come out and deal with it. The end, you cranky old wierdo. Glad to be done with it. We left 2 weeks worth of dog poo in the back yard. Tiny nugget land mines of pure stench. As I said earlier today, Brian and Jo may have won a battle, but we won the race. Yea. It doesn't make sense. In the end, they tried to take our money and what they got was a yard full of dog shit, and a bad taste for Americans. They assumed because I have been so nice to them in the past i would accept whatever they said as truth and pay them close to a grand. Hell no, I fight and 75 year old ass hole gets cranky when women get involved. This is how we do it! Suck it you old douche bag.

       We got rid of our car today as well. A lovely woman wanted to take Hans off our hands. We went to a service station, and while we were eating dinner I saw a dude with a bald head and a mole on top that was the size of a golf ball sliced in half. It was like a skin mole hat. I named it Thomas. Thomas likes  tea from KFC.

      I know this isn't one of my better posts. I've had 3 hours of sleep and gas station fake sushi today. I'm not on top of my game. They can't all be gems.

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