Monday, February 7, 2011

I Get High With a Little Help From My Bed

I ordered a bed online.

Yea, it was pretty risky.

What's more risky than buying a non-returnable bed online?

Sleeping on it...according to my mother.

My bed is trying to kill me.

Look, we aren't well off. Chad is in the military. I don't work. We get by with very careful spending habits and liking what we've got. We have a baby on the way. Our last mattress? We bought them off of a very lovely woman in England. They were her kid's beds. We bought them for $100 and made them into a king size bed. We just "surprise!" moved back from England. We were supposed to have another year there, and they just randomly said hey! you are going back in a month. Get your crap together. We were spending what little we do have on travel.

Our beds were......well.......they were GREAT for the time being. They got us thru a good 7 months of being able to spread out and not have one bit of body touch the other body. The riff raff pillow was actually a bit unnecessary. Chad and I use soup cans on strings to communicate while we are both in bed now. There was NO WAY we were going back to a queen. Not with a kid on the way, and two dogs that love to sleep with us. For $100 we TOTALLY got a bargain. However, after 7 months they were clearly meant for kids. That weighed less than 150 lbs. I don't weigh less than 150 lbs. Chad certainly doesn't. They have broken down, and I actually have to climb OUT of my mattress at this point.

For Chad's 30th, our anniversary, and our Christmas (winter solstice) gift we bought this bed. It arrived today. I made the ups guy carry it in because it took extra days to get here. He had to pull the other mattresses off the box springs and put the mattress box on the bed for me. I threatened to cry if he didn't do it.

I seriously feel all bougie because I now own a memory foam bed. Yeah. I am that person. I don't brag about much that I own. I have ALWAYS wanted a memory foam bed. When you get one, you have to let it air out and decompress. In the mean time I spoke with my Mom. I am now in the middle of a small mental melt down. The bed has a bit of a "smell." It smells like latex paint. I like it. Apparently, she thinks it's toxic.

I googled the crap out of this subject. I have only found Joe Schmoe information. It seems to be a bit out there. I mean I could type in "cat microwave shoes" and things will come up. Someone actually asked if you can microwave shoes... maybe they have been sleeping on a memory foam bed and have brain damage.

Her friend has a lung condition and she said she can't own a memory foam bed due to the fumes. WTF? Now what do I do? Try to fall asleep every night on my bougie bed that is slowly killing me? Let alone the fact that I am pregnant and everything I do baby does. I guess huffing bed fumes may not be just killing me now either.

So, let's clarify. Chad is out of town right now. The bed is "airing" out for a few more hours before I go to sleep. Not only am I scared that someone is going to break in and kill me, now I have to try to fall asleep thinking that the murderer outside is actually IN my bed. Great.

Truth is, I like the way it smells. You may not see me for a few days. I will be huffing my bed until I pass out. Lucky for me I am huffing fumes on a bed made of dreams. It's magical. Seriously it's magical. Or, I am just high.

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